Diese Frau hat den schönsten Bart

11.09.2016, 11:14 Uhr
· Online seit 11.09.2016, 10:57 Uhr
Das 24-jährige Model Harnaam Kaur aus Slough in England ist die jüngste Frau mit einem Vollbart und hat damit einen Eintrag im «Guinness Buch der Rekorde» auf sicher.
Gerry Reinhardt

Der Bart von Harnaam Kaur ist 15 Zentimeter lang und versetzt die Welt in Staunen. Sie ist nämlich auch die erste bärtige Frau, die auf dem Catwalk der Londoner Fashion Week laufen durfte. Jetzt bekommt sie einen Eintrag ins Buch der Rekorde als «Die jüngste Frau mit Vollbart».

Früher wurde das Model gehänselt. Harnaam Kaur kann nämlich nichts für die Gesichts-Behaarung. Der Grund ist eine Hormonstörung namens «Polyzystisches Ovar-Syndrom», das den Stoffwechsel beeinflusst.

Bearded and Boobed! Nik and I collaborated on a fun photoshoot for @theparallelmag where we touched upon gender stereotypes and gender clothing within fashion. Through our images we wanted to show people that there is no right or wrong way to wear clothes; Clothes, make up, jewellery are genderless. I do not believe that we have to wear certain clothes, or look a certain way and appear in a certain manner or even labelled as a certain gender. We are who we are, and we are perfect in the most awesome way. Who assigned genitalia to a certain gender? Who gave clothes a gender? Who said that make up/jewellery can only be worn by women? These are manmade rules, and as human beings, we are able to break down these stereotypes and express ourselves how we wish to be expressed. Never be ashamed to be your true self. As a bearded lady I sometimes feel that I do not fit into a certain gender. I sometimes feel that rules and regulations of fashion are forced upon us which then doesn’t allow us to express ourselves fully. Personally I feel that I do not fit into a certain gender, I am gender fluid and I feel comfortable wearing any style of clothing. This image I wanted to shoot because men and women (especially men) tend to stare at my beard, and then their gaze drops straight down to my boobs. I can sense their shock as they try to put the two together. I am a bearded woman and I do have a pair of Boobs ?? I love blurring the boundary lines of gender rules and regulations, my whole existence humbly does that! Be you be true! Flaunt your personality and style unapologetically. You will be appreciated, loved and respected for your realness! Model: @nikhampshire @harnaamkaur Magazine: @theparallelmag Image: @sophieephotos Makeup: @kateoffthewall Stylist: @roxannechanelmurray @lanagrindhaus Jewellery: @mariannaharutunian @usfashionsource #harnaamkaur #beardedlady #theparallelmag #nikhampshire #browngirlpower

Ein von Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur) gepostetes Foto am

veröffentlicht: 11. September 2016 10:57
aktualisiert: 11. September 2016 11:14
Quelle: gre
